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 My Sister's Veil, takes you on a journey of piercing, no excuses, gut-wrenching survival, in the lives of three young African American women.  Which character's struggle will you identify with; self-hatred, self-destruction, or self-medication?  Find out which and how they navigate through each.  Below is the prologue to "My Sister's Veil."  It is written in the voices of the three main characters.  Who are you?



Toni's Veil:A beautiful face is never enough

to guarantee love, success, and trust.

Torn and conflicted by what they see and say

Maybe they're right.  It's better their way.

They always win, so of course

we would choose,

to perpetrate a look that will never lose.

I'll just take it to the twelfth degree

so it appears self-righteously

to be me.

So bury the mirror and who you really see

and bury the hatred of who you really be.

Then it's easy to forget the grief

and promise yourself you can become 

a respectable Thief.

​Terri's Veil:  Restless and young

with nothing to lose

Thrown into your world

unblemished unbruised.

Ready to grow and to trust and to learn,

but guns fill your hands before you discern

the value of life, community and respect.

A simple way to mask your intellect.

Apprentice of self-destruction

a King with no crown

frustrated and confused

by the systematic run-around

Yet a gnarly lesson awaits to prove

it's by your own hand

you win or you lose.

​Tina's Veil:  Abandoned and Afraid

Ashamed and unloved

I hid my pain as innocent as a dove.

But the Lord answers prayers

so invisible I'll be.

'Cause my black and nappy, embarrasses thee.

If only but, for  a genuine veil

I'd lose myself in self-medicated Hell.

But no need to worry, no need to fret.

​Their yaki hair and blue contacts are easy to get

So spare not a dime for value and worth.

Designer labels and gold to our pride gives birth.

So strut on high and lively and proud

as you die slowly with a legacy

broken and LOUD!


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